Jun 22, 2017

voting system 2017 using php and mysql

This system is Developed and Designed by Muhammad Abba Gana, it is intended to create and easily Voting for institute or organization using PHP and MYsqli. it has good graphical user interface and user interface and user friendly Environment.

The features of this system are as follows:-

1- Drag and Drop style of voting
2- add, edit delete voter
3- add, edit and delete candidates
4- count number of votes of candidates
5- form validator and CAPTCHA for voters registration

it is available in affordable price if you need it you can contact me on the following-

email address: [email protected]
phone number: +2349039016969

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Hey! I’m Muhammad Abba Gana, popularly known as AbbaGana, a blog Scientist by mind and a passionate blogger by heart fountainhead of Guidetricks, Duniyan Fasaha, Duniyar Yau, Hanyantsirah, Gidan Novels, Abba Gana Novels and Be With Me Technologies, I am twenty something year old guy from Jimeta, Adamawa State, Nigeria. I’m a Freelance writer, Information marketer, professional blogger, Web designer, Internet speaker, software Developer and also an author. I make living with my laptop and can work from anywhere I find myself (as long as there is a power supply and a reliable internet connection).


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