Mar 23, 2020

Google Updates the Algorithm and Rewards the Original News

Google Updates the Algorithm and Rewards the Original News

Google is studying a new update of the search algorithm, this is what emerges from the post by Richard Gingras, Google vice president and head of Google News.

Google Search was built to provide everyone access to information on the web — and with tens of thousands of web pages, hundreds of hours of video, thousands of tweets and news stories published every minute of the day, our job is to sift through that content and find the most helpful results possible. With news, in particular, we always aim to show a diversity of articles and sources to give users as much context and insight as possible.

The key concept - it must be said - on which it is worth dwelling is that Google Search was created not only to provide everyone with free access to information on the Web but also and above all to make this information as useful as possible and that can offer users the greatest context and depth possible.

Google has declared war on fake news and poor quality content is now well known, but what matters now is that the update of Big G aims precisely to combat rough and non-original content.

In-depth the news will be rewarded in SERPs, those that require great effort from publishers, which are the result of explorations, investigations, and studies. Not only that but more and more relevance in the redefinition of search results will also have the authoritativeness and credibility of the newspaper and the publisher.

Google recently updated the ranking and made changes to the guidelines that determine the search criteria, with the aim of defining and identifying the original reports and giving them relevance.

This means that the actuality of the news will no longer count - or rather not only - but its originality. In this way, users will be able to know the newspaper that first made that news known and will have easier access to the original and in-depth content.

Change the ranking to encourage meaningfully original reports

There is no univocal and always valid definition of significant original reports, an expression used by Richard Gingras. It is a continuous evolution, which also depends on the sector, the publishers, and the news in question.

For this Google will strive both to give the right meaning to the original reports and to understand the life cycle of a story, news.

Many times, in fact, it happens that, in the whirlwind of publications on that news, the original and original story ends up being buried by other sources.

Google, on the other hand, wants to make sure that the original news continues to maintain its visibility over time and, at the same time wants to give the right relevance also to the latest news. The advantage is everything for users, who will have a lot of quality news at their disposal, if you allow me the pun.

As Gingras himself explains, Google uses algorithms to sort everything it finds on the web and to organize this content in a useful way for users. The algorithms are composed of hundreds of signals, which are constantly updated and improved to understand the authority of the individual pages.

To optimize these signals, Google relies on more than 10,000 rater’s worldwide, evaluators who examine the results and, although they cannot modify the SERPs with their feedback, they can instead improve the algorithms.

The operating principles of the algorithms are illustrated in the guidelines that Google issues to its raters and, among these, in section 5.1 specifies to use the highest rating of the news, which allows identifying original, in-depth, investigative reports.

In the end, always optimize content for users

To be awarded in the SERP will be the news that offers content that would not be known if that post had not been published. So it reads:

That provides information that would not otherwise have been known had the article not revealed it. Original, in-depth, and investigative reporting requires a high degree of skill, time, and effort.

But that's not all, because of the general reputation of the publisher and his authority in the sector will also play a major role.

Content, updated and of excellent quality, always, here is the key to conquering Google. And the users.

Author Bio:

Angelina is a senior Digital Marketing Professional and a writer at a leading digital marketing company. She is a self-made lady, who has a Master's degree in Business Administration. She is independent, ambitious, bold, and liberal. She is a hardworking young girl who is generous with her job and also does a blogging in different niches such as football stadium led display manufacturers, electronics, current affairs, etc.

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